DATE: Saturday 15 June 2023
TIME: 12 noon-3pm
VENUE: WCA Centre, 47 Lewis Street, Hamilton
ACTIVITIES: Hear from Youth on their Paruru experience to the far north staying on a marae, Waitangi Day celebrations, SS Ventnor, connecting with Maori youth. More activities to be confirmed.
COST: Free for current financial members,
$15 per person for non-members
MEMBERSHIP MAY BE RENEWED, or NEW MEMBERS MAY JOIN ON THE DAY (2023 membership expired on 31 March 2023)
RSVP: Thursday 13 June so sufficient food can be ordered -
to Janet waikatochineseassociatiion@gmail.com, text 0272161888 or any other committee member
Current financial members may request a , copy of the previous minutes, President’s Report, Financial Report from Janet on waikatochineseassociation@gmail.com